Newest Book: I Can’t Breathe... Free Ebook
I Can’t Breathe...
May 25, 2020
The author explores the cry for help of
“I Can’t Breathe..” with a series of poems
with photography.
8 Reasons To Read I Can’t Breathe...
- Your awareness will open that, diversity should be respected and celebrated, based upon truth and the order of nature, in order for the continuation of the human species.
- Your awareness will open that, there is an innate equality amongst the human species but the fears, greeds and egos have created separation amongst the human species, even the sexes.
- Your awareness will open that, the biases that the human species hold towards different groups because of society’s ignorance, imposed upon the human species’ thoughts.
- Your awareness will open that, if agencies of the human species, are truthful to the oath of protecting and serving the “people”.
- Your awareness will open that, excessive violence affects the human species.
- Your awareness will open that, excessive violence can impact you or your loved ones.
- Your awareness will open that, the continuation of excessive violence is death to the hope of the human species.
- Your awareness will open that, death will impact every human species on this planet, including you.